• Skype lessons / conversation (inquire for rates)
• Signed books / CDs
• Handwritten music manuscripts
• And more..
I’m a composer. So far, I’ve written about 30 works that have been performed, recorded and broadcast throughout Europe, North America and Asia. I’m also passionate about communicating the work of modern and contemporary composers to those who would otherwise not encounter it. I teach composition and music analysis, and my goal is to take this sort of discussion out of musicology journals, and into a much broader audience by creating YouTube videos discussing modern and contemporary music. The videos allow me not just to deliver a lecture, but also to incorporate sound, images and diagrams into my presentations, effectively allowing me to create short films that are a combination of analysis and historical documentary.
I am obsessed with communicating precisely what makes a piece of music great, and why we should bother to get to know it. It’s not only a matter of quality, or of beauty; great musical works encompass an entire world view. They can embody the highest aspirations of humanity through a medium that is both sensual and abstract. Important works of contemporary music are tools we can use to experience profound meaning, and to have our understanding of the ideas and aesthetics of today vastly broadened and expanded.
Communicating and explaining this incredibly vital art form has become a passion of mine, and I want to devote more of my time to it. The response to my first YouTube video lectures has far exceeded my expectations. This shows me that they are fulfilling a real interest. Regular monthly support would allow me to improve their technical quality, and to devote an adequate amount of time to them. I would aim to create between one and four new videos a month. Thank you for your help.